Friday, September 25, 2009

Dog Fighting for Early Childhood

Rose McGowan, who should be thanking me for getting her more followers (if 34,426 wasn't enough) was tweeting about hearing about an Illinois dog fighting ring that was being ran out of a day care center. It's great to know the Charmed girls are great information sources. @russthebus replied:
@rosemcgowan It was not a dogfighting ring. What happens when two kids in daycare argue about whose puppy for show and tell is coolest?
With the state government cutting funding to early childhood programs, I wonder if this is truly a bad idea.

If we go along with the premise of the tweet, that it starts with two kids bringing in two dogs into class for show and tell, wouldn't we put the two dogs at it to just shut the kids up. It would get them prepared for the traumatic experiences they will face growing up. Who knows? I may have been better prepared for when I failed to save a man who set himself on fire if I saw something sick and twisted to begin with.

The world is unfairly cruel. Kids do not want to hear sad stories, so they are sheltered from the truth that bad stuff happens. This will teach them the lesson when their guard is down.

Check out the rest of this blog at "Main Event of the and let me know if my satire and movie knowledge should produce a Pro-Wrestling Zombie movie.

In other news:

Nitro Expected To Win Westminster Dog Fight

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Opinions of the Twits. Kanye, Obama, Alyssa

If you look through all the blogs I've posted here, or looked at the label list on this blog, you maybe surprised that I follow actresses on Twitter.


Needless to say, you get a lot of self righteous garbage spouted by these girls. They are pretty good about not tweeting to make the "Twitter Tracker" segments of The Tonight Show, but they seemingly feel their opinions are more important than everyone else. The problem with this is they only get 140 characters, so they do not explain their opinion. It leaves their followers to think that because they say it, it must be right.

Alyssa Milano Stupid Tweet:

Thursday, September 3, 2009

40 Years is Enough

Working at a gas station, you notice weird things. Kevin Smith, the second best screenwriter of the nineties, career was based on it. 

Working at a gas station in the Peoria area, the nation's test market (we get new stuff for three months, and have to wait 10 years for it's return) you see a lot of crappy products.

Today, Hershey's chocolate-flavored Bubble Yum.

I turn to my fellow associate to say, "This product won't sell. I hope they kill whoever came up with such a stupid idea in the name of natural selection."

After the disturbed chuckle of my coworker, I rethought my statement. It was not fair in terms of Darwinism.

"That guy shouldn't die. He should be commended for finding people dumb enough to fund it. The people who gave the product their approval should."

Makes me question which came first, the Nazis or Hitler? No Hitler, no War War through the efforts of dumb Germans. No dumb Germans, no Hitler. If that's not a shout out to my English pride, what is? I guess that's why the chicken or the egg is the universal, less offensive query. 

I for one feel that no one deserves to die, but the world is over populated. The herd needs to be thinned. Trying to stay humorous, I think back to Family Guy's episode where Brian tells his therapist about his Logan's Run dream. 

Read the conclusion of this blog at and tell me if my opinionated nature can carry over into Pro-Wrestling and Zombie B-Movies. 

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Hottest Blog Ever or an Incensitive Eulogy

Current mood: guilty

My apologies for the tacky bulletin, but I just gotta get some feedback about my attempt to make light of the man who burned himself to death despite my efforts to extiguish him at my gas station.

As the members of Monty Python sang, "Always look on the bright side of death." I won't continue the lyrics. It seems redundant.

Sorry to dissolve any of you who felt a sense of relief, but obviously the insanity of Russ Staley wasn't resolved through partial hospitalization.

I gotta get out of this funk, so I that I can get back to wrestling. Imagine the angst I was in when I went to Hobby Lobby. The telling myself that I couldn't buy anything shiny to accessorize my alter ego.

I feel worse than Nicholson about the "All work and no play." It's like that but add "No beer and no TV make Homer go something something."

On the topic of going crazy, there aren't many jokes that can be made about a guy on fire. Trying to come up with an inciteful, comedic blog is as difficult as finding a satisfying end to a trilogy (Revenge of the Sith excluded).

When wholesome, antiviolense, no vulgarity Mom said she had more fun watching Hot Fuzz than Shrek the Third, I think you know where I'm coming from.

And come on. Topher Grace as venom? And if there is no wine for Thomas Haden Church, I'd rather save my dough for Merlot from a box.

My therapist accused me of ADD, but blame Family Guy. We allow Seth McFarlane jump in and out of stories. But, allow me to get this giant chicken of my back and get back to the story at hand.

Gas can: $5.99
Enough 87 octane to get the job done: $1.55
A memorable exit and a headline: Priceless

Read the rest of this blog at Main Event of the Dead dot Com and determine if my experiences, satires and movie knowledge makes a great base to produce a Pro-Wrestling Zombie Comedy B-Movie.